Your business is only as good as it’s leadership. Be the light you want to see in others, love on your workers, your customers, your clients, your business partners and they will soon reflect that light back to you.
Read MoreReach Out and Serve Someone
So my question for you is, do you have the courage to be the person you are called to be? Do you have the courage to let go of your attachment to ‘self’ and focus instead on the needs of those around you?
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There’s No Cost for Kindness
The best part is that kindness doesn’t cost a thing, yet the rewards are tenfold. Stop and show someone what kindness looks like today.
Read MoreTo Be Great, Emulate Greatness
It doesn’t matter if you become a leader through circumstance, or you rise up as a natural leader, there always remains a common result… leaders propel humanity forward. Leaders inspire action, incite change, and spark courage.
Read MoreObstacles: Forcing Growth and Revealing Character
Ever have those days when it feels as though nothing is going right? Like you will never reach your goals and the enemy is doing everything in his power to lay you low? I can assure you, he is.
But the enemy isn’t the only reason you feel that way. The truth is, obstacles in life and in business are a sure thing. You will never dream up a goal that won’t meet obstacles or resistance. The bigger the goal is, the bigger and more varied the potential obstacles are, and the harder the potential fall will be.
Read MoreGrowth as a Humanoid - the Real Value of Self-Education
Those are the moments we are created for, and those are the things true education prepares us for. The beauty of it is that there’s no better time to learn something new than right now.
Read MoreWhen Business isn’t Just Business - It’s Influence
Sometimes businesses are so driven by money and profits, and doing whatever it takes to get those profits, they forget they are also dealing with humanity. Their customers become statistics, and no longer have faces. Therefore it’s easy to rip them off, screw them over, and chalk it up as ‘just doing business, nothing personal’.
Read MoreWhy Sharing Your Story is Part of Your Mission
Doing business and doing life isn't always about ‘putting your best foot forward’. Of course that’s important too, and you should always strive for that.
Read MorePurpose Over Profit - Money isn’t Everything
Every business is in business in order to turn a profit. That’s a given, and it’s why business is called ‘business’ in the first place. But what about purpose? Why are you in business in the first place? What is your purpose for existing?
Read MorePretending to Do Good isn’t the Same as Doing Good
We all have flaws. Hopes, dreams, aspirations. We all desire big things for ourselves and others. We all talk good game, but when it comes time to walk good game… well let’s just say the talking is usually easier than the walking.
Read MoreMake People Uncomfortable - Change Matters, Opinions Don’t
Every business and thought leader will meet resistance from someone, somewhere, at some point in their life’s journey.
How you meet that resistance defines you.
Do you cut and run at the first obstacle that pops up?
Or do you stand tall and back up your beliefs?
Do you make someone else feel small, so that you can feel big?
Read MoreForget New Year, New You Resolutions - Just Do the Thing!
Life is short. Ridiculously, fleetingly short. Except on the days it can feel long. Ultimately time passes as fast or as slowly as we perceive it to.
Regardless of how fast or slow time flits by, there’s nothing more true than it does indeed pass, and we are never promised tomorrow. That’s why it’s so important to live in the now, to focus on today, to do exactly what you can do right now, in this moment.
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