Every business and thought leader will meet resistance from someone, somewhere, at some point in their life’s journey.
How you meet that resistance defines you.
Do you cut and run at the first obstacle that pops up?
Or do you stand tall and back up your beliefs?
Do you make someone else feel small, so that you can feel big?
Or do you strive to make others feel good, lifting everyone around you up in the process?
The truth is, anytime you try to play big in your life, there will always be someone trying to force you to play small, either because they want to be bigger, or because you make them uncomfortable, and they don’t like feeling uncomfortable.
Discomfort Sparks Reform
Believe it or not, we weren't put on this earth to make people feel comfortable in their lives. Comfortable is easy. Comfortable is lazy.
People feel comfortable every day, and as a result, become blind to atrocities occurring all around them in the rest of the world. Or if not blind, desensitized. Thought processes look something like this:
“Gee… it sure is sad that those atrocities occur elsewhere, but at least that’s there, and I’m here. Happy bubble intact.”
Or maybe, “Gee… the world might be falling to hell in a hand-basket, but as long as I’m still comfortable, I’m OK. Happy bubble intact.”
Moral of the story? There’s nothing revolutionary that occurs when people are merely comfortable. Change is not sparked within the realms of comfort.
But still, everyone wants to live there.
So when you start saying and doing things in your life or your business that shakes people up, that rattles them out of their comfort zones, you will get flak. You will meet resistance. You will be offered opinions on what you should do, how you should do it, when you should do it, and why you should do it, by (mostly) random people who think they are better at doing life or business than you are.
Disregard all of it, and keep doing what you’re doing. It probably means it’s working. At the end of the day, morals matter. Ethics matter. Doing good work matters.
Opinions of the people you make uncomfortable, don’t. Revolutionize your life, your business, and the world around you. If you’re not making people uncomfortable, if you’re not making people question things, you’re not doing it right. Comments below.