Putting People and Planet at the Heart of Your Business

If you’re even thinking of your business in terms of how you can better serve people and the world around you, while still earning a good living, you’re already half way there. 

I hate saying it, but most people don’t even stop to think about what kind of footprint they’re leaving in the world. What kind of impact they’re making, what they are leaving behind for the next generation to clean up. 

If you are one of the few who are socially aware, and truly care about the seeds you sow, and the rewards you are leaving behind for your children to reap, I commend you, because God has removed the scales from your eyes and awakened you to the things that really matter, and that’s a gift.

The next step is making your intentions reality. 


Some of the tangible ways you can do this are by making your business sustainable. Simple things like reducing waste, recycling, turning off things not in use, outsourcing some of your needs rather than increasing office space, buying green, reducing energy and water consumption can all help you make good strides in helping you run a sustainable business.

Think Sideways

Instead of considering how your business might help just one person, brainstorm ways your business can help 100 people for the same effort. Making 100 lives better is a thousand times more fulfilling than making one life better. However, everyone has to start somewhere, so don’t be afraid to start small if that’s what it takes.

Show the Love

Your business is only as good as it’s leadership. Be the light you want to see in others, love on your workers, your customers, your clients, your business partners and they will soon reflect that light back to you. They won’t be able to help themselves, most people cannot respond negatively to love. 

Share your passion for the world, share your compassion for the plights of humanity, bounce ideas around, and co-create the kind of business environment you envision with the people you surround yourself with.