There are a lot of people in the world today, many of them business owners or CEO's, engaging in cut-throat practices, dishonesty, and sometimes downright robbery of the public and consumers. It’s disheartening to witness, because it really makes you wonder what this world is coming to.
Sometimes businesses are so driven by money and profits, and doing whatever it takes to get those profits, they forget they are also dealing with humanity. Their customers become statistics, and no longer have faces. Therefore it’s easy to rip them off, screw them over, and chalk it up as ‘just doing business, nothing personal’.
Except doing business is personal. The way you do business communicates who you are as a person. It communicates your values and character, your integrity and compassion. Or lack thereof.
That’s why it’s so important when designing your business, that you make sure you are centering it around your life values, and that you are effectively communicating those values.
Business Gives You a Platform
It doesn't matter how large or small your business might be, if you own and operate one, you are building yourself a platform. And as your platform grows and gains visibility, you will begin to touch and influence more and more people.
Those businesses who are focused on people, on human connections, on treating their customers and clients with integrity and appreciation, who communicate their values, more often than not, wind up building rabid followings.
Their customers and clients become fans. Fans of their brand, of the way they operate, of their products and services. They tell their friends and loved ones about you, and they come back again and again for the experience and good vibes you give them, simply because you are doing business that isn't just business’.
Companies that respect the people they serve, that respect their staff, that operate with honesty and integrity, who create a ‘company culture’ that is about more than just turning a profit, or making a quick buck, become something more than ‘just a company’.
They become contributing members of their community, as well as leaders and examples to those around them. They inspire start ups to emulate them, and customers to talk about them.
Business becomes no longer ‘just business’, but meaningful and inspiring. That’s when business isn't just business, but influence. Instead of focusing on self-gain, use that influence to fuel the greater good. You will be richly rewarded.